Kid’s Ministries

Children’s Sunday School is held every week during the school year. It takes place during the worship service..
The children’s choir, God’s Kids, also meets every week after worship during the school year. Rehearsal is at 11am

Music Ministries

Our Praise Team meets at 9am on Sundays to rehearse. They lead a variety of contemporary songs from the CCLI website.
Our Chancel Choir meets every Wednesday at 7pm for rehearsal. Choir season lasts between the month of September to the first week in June.
The Alleluia Ringers meet after worship to rehearse and perform once a month. Rehearsals and performances are TBA.
Special Music begins the second Sunday in June and lasts until the beginning of September. See any of our music leaders at worship on Sunday to sign up.


Our church participates in Emmaus which is a 72 hour program that spends time in scriptural study, singing, praying, and discussion. The objective is to in spire, challenge and equip church communities in ways that will lift up their own lives as well as the lives of others.



Good Samaritan Food Pantry

Every Wednesday and Saturday is our Good Samaritan Food Pantry, providing food and canned goods for the West Jefferson community.



Boy Scouts

Our church is and has been home base to both the Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts of America.

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United Methodist Men/Women

Both our men and women groups meet regularly to organize functions and ministries both in-church and for the community.


Shawl Sisters

This group of women meet every week making baptismal shawls and blankets for the community. All blankets and shawls are prayed over before being sent out and include a commemorative card.