“They all gave out of their wealth; but she in her poverty put in everything she had…” Mark 12:44
*The sanctuary has “First Fruit forms” for people who want to set up an automatic withdrawal from their bank to the credit union we use. A copy of the form can be accessed through the link below. Please give the ORIGINAL to your bank and a COPY to the church.

First Fruit Offering Doc

Now making a donation is as easy as scanning the code or pressing the link! Here are the current giving options:

  • General Fund
  • Youth Ministry
  • Altar Flowers
  • UMCOR – United Methodist Committee on Relief


Whether you choose to give online or in person, your support is vital to the continued success of our church community. We are so grateful for your generosity and commitment to our shared mission.

Thank you again for all that you do.


WJUMC Finance Committee


*Another good way to support our church activities is through your Kroger Rewards card:

  • Find us in the Kroger app under “Rewards”
  • Select West Jefferson United Methodist Church under “Community Rewards.”

If at any time you wish to give to our General Fund, you can also mail to our church address:

36 South Center Street

West Jefferson, OH 43162